What I Offer

I provide health, yoga, and mindfulness classes for individuals and companies.

Your body is precious. It is our vehicle for awakening. Treat it with care.
— Buddah

Individual Offerings

  • Personal and small group Kundalini and Vinyasa yoga, breathwork, and meditation sessions.

  • Webinars and individual coaching focused on mindful eating, mindful movement, breathwork, and meditation.


Corporate Offerings

  • Group and personal yoga, breathwork, and meditation sessions.

  • Training focused on building empowering routines, engaging mindfulness practices at work, tools to combat stress, and mindful eating.

What People Are Saying

“Britta is an excellent health coach and yoga instructor! I have greatly benefited from her holistic approach to exercise, diet, and spiritual practice. She has greatly encouraged me to push myself to achieve my best. She is a great motivator but always approaches challenges with humor and care. I am a better and healthier person for having trained with her and would happily recommend her to anyone else that is striving to improve their life.”

— Christopher, Urban Planner and Development Consultant

“I appreciate you and all of your wisdom. I always wanted yoga in my life, but had the belief I couldn’t do it. Now that belief is gone.”

— D’arcy, Photographer, Life Coach, and Marketing Ninja